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Music Notes and Clefs

Learning Objectives
  • 1.B: Identify and draw the Treble (G) Clef and Bass (F) Clef.
  • 1.C: Explain how clefs help us identify pitches on the staff.
  • 1.D: Identify and notate pitches on a staff with Treble (G) Clef and Bass (F) Clef with the musical alphabet.

Placing notes on a staff

"Noteheads on a line should fill in half of each space above and below. Noteheads in a space should just touch the lines above and below."

Common clefs, from left to right Treble, Bass, Alto, and Tenor
"Correct noteheads, open (white) and filled in (black), both on lines and in spaces."

What is a clef?

Each line and space on a staff is assigned to a specific letter from the musical alphabet. The clef determines placement of each letter.

Common clefs

There are many different clefs, but the two that you'll come across most often are the Treble (G) Clef, and the Bass or F Clef.

Treble (G) Clef

How to draw

How to remember note names


To remember the names of the lines in the Treble Clef, use the following sentence: "Every Good Boy Does Fine"

If that one doesn't inspire you, here are some others!

  • Every Good Bear Deserves Fish 🐻
  • Elvis' Guitar Broke Down Friday 🎸
  • Elephants Go Bouncing Down Freeways 🐘
Create your own!

Try creating your own to practice! If you have any good ones to share, drop me a line or edit this page!


To remember the names of the spaces in the Treble Clef, just remember: "FACE"

Bass (F) Clef

How to draw

How to remember note names


To remember the names of the lines in the Bass Clef, use the following sentence: "Good Boys Do Fine Always"


To remember the names of the spaces in the Bass Clef, use the following sentence: "All Cows Eat Grass"


"The Staff - High and Low" worksheet


Use the "Print" button to print the worksheet and write on it. Some browsers have a "Draw" button that allows you to mark up the PDF digitally.

Answer Key

Finale ® Worksheets, Copyright © 2009 by MakeMusic, Inc. MakeMusic grants permission to duplicate this worksheet for non-profit, educational use only, provided each copy includes this copyright notice. Copies may not be sold or included in any materials offered for sale to the general public


Flashcards Note Identification

Go to
  • Clefs: Treble Clef, Bass Clef
  • Treble Range: A treble clef on a staff with whole notes placed on the low E and high F lines
  • Bass Range: A bass clef on a staff with whole notes placed on the low G and high A lines
  • Positions: Lines and Spaces
  • Key Signatures: Natural
  • Note Names: Letters
  • Helpers: OFF
  • Accidentals: OFF
  • Note Filter: OFF

Additional Resources

